SEO | Art text Of SEO Related Words Into A Like Sign
As a marketing professional, I have run into many challenges over the years & my desire to speed the learning curve of anyone wishing to have success faster. So what are a few of these critical areas?

Ensure to use the correct information sources

Because of so many so-called experts who spread disinformation in the SEO industry. Rely on people who actually are the influencers of SEO. Beware of the scammers who will promise you page 1 quickly, that isn’t how true SEO works. Any guarantee of such will be using “black hat” methods that will hurt you in the long term. So, here is my personal list of reputable sources:

1. Search Engine Land

2. Google’s Webmaster Guidelines

3. SEO by the Sea

4. That Company

It is not about using gimmick or tricks… it’s about integration

SEO isn’t really that hard. Follow some true methodical steps and you can be on your way to better rankings. There are many free resources on how to write title tags & meta descriptions. Search for them and learn the proper way to be found by the search engines. Rarely are there SEO revelations that are ground breaking paradigm shifts to the way we do business.

So use best practice factors and integrate them together in a way which makes sense for your website. Lastly, understand that algorithms change (ever heard of Panda, Penguin & Hummingbird) and you need.

All tactics are not good good tactics

Just because somebody else is doing (or getting away with) something, doesn’t mean you should follow their lead. Stay away from link farms or massive unnatural back linking. Some believe if their website is ranking after using these types of unsavory methods – they are doing things correctly in the eyes of the search engines. Not so! Using these poor methods may get you to the top quickly, but when discovered – the downslide will be even more dramatic… or worse, get your website could get a manual penalty that is almost impossible to recover from. The best course of action is to stick to doing things correctly and by the book.