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How to Choose the Right SEO Reseller Services for Your Agency

White Label SEO Services by That Company
SEO Reseller Guide

Are you ready to dive into the world of becoming an SEO reseller and boost your online digital marketing game? You might be surprised how many top SEO companies outsource SEO. Today, we’re uncovering the secrets of choosing the right SEO reseller services for your business and how you can overcome common challenges. Buckle up, and let’s start this insightful journey!

Executive Summary

  • Demand for SEO reseller services is increasing, making it an opportunity to expand your agency’s services. Offering an SEO Service you can be proud of and positioning yourself as a professional SEO agency.

  • When choosing an SEO reseller service provider, key factors include experience and expertise, communication and support, pricing structure and flexibility.

  • That! Company is a white label SEO company uniquely outsourcing seo services as wells as outsourcing client communications. We handle all client communications under your brand. You spend less time, which means you make more money.

Table of Contents

The Growing Demand for SEO Reseller Services

SEO Reseller Demand

The demand for Top SEO reseller services is on the rise due to the complexity and cost of SEO, yet its potential for profit remains highly attractive. In a world where businesses are constantly competing for online visibility, the need for effective search engine optimization has never been greater. Marketing agencies that want to offer SEO services have a lucrative opportunity to expand their service offerings and increase revenue without the overhead costs of an in-house SEO team.

An ideal SEO reseller should complement the services your agency provides, deliver top-notch work, and have the capacity to expand as needed. As the demand for local SEO, keyword research, link building, and technical SEO keeps growing, partnering with the correct SEO reseller program becomes crucial to stay ahead in the digital marketing landscape.

One of the advantages of SEO reselling is the ability to tap into specialized expertise and resources without the burden of hiring, training, and managing an in-house team. This allows businesses to focus on their core competencies while still providing comprehensive search engine optimization service to their clients.

Managed SEO services not only streamline the process but also ensure that you have access to a team of SEO experts who are up-to-date with the latest industry trends, and best practices.

As the popularity of SEO reseller services continues to grow, agencies must carefully consider their options and select the right partner that aligns with their business goals, values, and client needs. To make this important decision, let’s explore the key factors to consider when choosing an SEO reseller.

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing an SEO Reseller

When selecting an SEO reseller, it is essential to consider their experience and expertise, communication and support, pricing structure and flexibility, as well as customization and scalability. Each of these factors plays a crucial role in determining the success of your partnership and ultimately, the satisfaction of your clients.

Let’s take a closer look at each of these factors in detail.

Experience and Expertise

SEO ExperiencePartnering with an SEO reseller who has prior experience in your niche can prove to be highly advantageous. A well-versed reseller will better understand your client’s industry’s unique challenges and opportunities and can offer tailored solutions that deliver results.

It’s also important to consider the qualifications and experience of the SEO agency reseller’s team. A skilled team of professionals with relevant industry experience can make all the difference in the quality and effectiveness of the SEO services provided.

For example, That! Company’s highly qualified team possesses a great deal of professional experience. Their analysts have a high level of knowledge, and they assign individual analysts to gain an understanding of the business, campaign and desired outcomes while focusing not only on SEO but the entire digital marketing service and it’s effectiveness. As a Google Ads Premier Partner, we also have extensive experience in PPC management, managing successful pay-per-click programs for a wide variety of businesses.

It is crucial to select an SEO partner who can demonstrate a proven track record of success in a variety of industries and niches. A diverse portfolio and a wealth of experience not only ensure that your SEO reseller can handle the challenges that come their way, but also indicates that they have the expertise to adapt and evolve with the ever-changing landscape of search engine optimization.

Communication and Support

Reseller CommunicationCommunication is paramount in SEO reselling. Establishing a clear line of communication with your SEO reseller partner ensures that you stay informed about the progress of your clients’ campaigns and can promptly address any issues or concerns. When evaluating the communication quality of an SEO reseller, consider factors such as the timeliness of responses to inquiries, the expertise of the support team, and their availability for urgent matters.

For instance, That! Company is highly responsive when contacted through email or phone. This level of responsiveness and understanding helps build trust and confidence between your agency and the SEO reseller, ensuring a successful partnership.

Effective communication and support are not only about timely responses, but also about providing valuable insights and recommendations that help drive the success of your clients’ campaigns. A proactive SEO reseller partner will keep your client informed about the latest industry trends, updates, and best practices, enabling you to stay ahead of the curve and deliver consistent results for your clients.

Pricing Structure and Flexibility

SEO Reseller PricingThe pricing structure of an SEO reseller’s services plays a significant role in your partnership’s overall profitability and success. Unfortunately, The most commonly utilized pricing model for SEO resellers is flat-rate pricing.

The problem with SEO reseller programs is that “SEO in a box” doesn’t fit the needs of most clients. Flat-rate pricing involves setting a fixed price for SEO services and providing discounts to customers based on the number of services they select.

When pricing SEO services, it is essential to understand the client’s needs, research the market, comprehend the competition, and set realistic expectations. To ensure transparency, it is also important to be flexible with clients and offer a custom seo service with tailored solutions that cater to their specific requirements and budget constraints.

By understanding the different pricing models and carefully evaluating the pricing structure of potential SEO reseller partners, you can make an informed decision that not only aligns with your business goals but also ensures the profitability and satisfaction of your clients.

Customization and Scalability

SEO customizationCustomization and scalability refer to the capability of an SEO reseller program to provide customizable white label SEO services that can be tailored to the specific requirements and budget of the partner agency’s clients.

A flexible and scalable SEO reseller program allows you to offer services catering to a diverse range of clients, from small businesses to large enterprises, ensuring you can meet their unique needs and expectations.

Great white label seo resellers don’t just offer SEO reseller packages but instead offer a range of SEO services like local SEO services, national SEO services, e-commerce SEO, Reputation Management, and ancillary services like; PPC management and social media marketing.

SEO reseller programs by That! Company offers customizable white label SEO services that can be adapted to meet the requirements and budget of the partner agency’s clients. However, it’s essential to be aware of the drawbacks of working with limited resources, such as the case with some SEO resellers whose offerings are somewhat restricted and do not have a broad network of content authors and SEO specialists to draw on.

By selecting an SEO reseller partner offering customization and scalability in their services, you can ensure that your clients receive tailored solutions that meet their specific needs while allowing your agency to grow and expand its service capabilities. This adaptability can be instrumental in building long-lasting relationships with your clients and establishing your agency as a trusted and reliable provider of SEO services.

The Dirty Little Secret Most SEO Resellers Won’t Tell You

Reseller SecretThe Secret SEO resellers prefer not to disclose is that you will be accountable for all customer communication. This means that while the SEO reseller handles the technical aspects of the campaigns, you are responsible for managing client expectations, addressing concerns, and providing updates on progress.

This can be a significant challenge for agencies with limited resources or those looking to streamline their operations. This can be especially challenging when the service provider uses offshore seo consultants because communication between the agency owner and the seo consultant can be delayed causing communication delays with the end client.

That’s where That! Company comes in. We differentiate ourselves by managing all communications under your agency’s brand. This unique approach not only saves you time and effort, reduces communication delays, mistakes, and miscommunications, but also ensures that your clients remain unaware that you are utilizing an SEO reseller.

With That! Company handling all client communications, you can focus on what you do best – growing your business and providing exceptional service to your clients.

But how do you ensure that your clients are satisfied with the SEO services and that their expectations are met? It all starts with understanding the key factors that influence client retention when reselling SEO and building a successful partnership with your SEO reseller.

Client Expectations are Key to Client Retention When Reselling SEO

When selling SEO, clients may expect increased website traffic, higher search engine rankings, improved online visibility and ranking for a large number of keywords. To effectively manage these expectations, it is essential to be open and honest with clients regarding the outcomes that can be expected from your services. Establishing realistic expectations and maintaining open communication with clients are crucial for successful delivery.

Regular communication is paramount to managing client expectations. By providing frequent updates on progress and addressing any concerns or questions promptly, you can ensure that your clients remain satisfied with the services they receive.

Additionally, it is essential to comprehend what motivates clients and adjust your services to align with their aims and objectives. Most of the time, when you resell SEO services, these are all YOUR problems. That’s simply NOT the case with That! Company’s solution.

By understanding and managing client expectations, you can build trust and confidence in your SEO services, ultimately leading to higher client retention rates and long-term success for your online marketing agency.

How That! Company is Different – We Handle All Communications Under Your Brand

That! Company’s white-label SEO services enable you to offer SEO services to your clients without hiring an in-house SEO expert. All communications are conducted under your brand, thus ensuring that your clients remain unaware that you are utilizing an SEO reseller. This not only saves you time and resources but also helps you maintain a consistent brand image across all client interactions.

The advantages of That! Company’s approach extends beyond just handling client communications. By partnering with a company that truly understands the importance of seamless communication and amazing customer service, you can be confident that your clients’ needs are being met and their expectations are being managed effectively.

This allows you to focus on growing your business and providing top-notch services to your clients without the added burden of managing client communications.

In a competitive market where client satisfaction is critical, partnering with an SEO reseller like That! Company that prioritizes clear and consistent communication can be the key to building lasting relationships with your clients and ensuring your agency’s success.

You Have No More Client Meetings

At That! Company we handle every meeting for you! We even provide Sales support with a professional sales team to help you close new clients. You generate qualified leads, and we handle the sales meetings for you!

Evaluating the Quality of SEO Reseller Services

With so many SEO resellers to choose from, how do you choose the right one? In order to ensure that you choose the best SEO reseller partner for your agency, it is essential to evaluate the quality of their services.

Evaluating a potential white label seo partner can be done by reviewing their portfolio, customer reviews, and case studies. Additionally, it is important to assess the reseller’s website analysis capabilities and their approach to client management. Do you manage the client? or do they?

Evaluate the Following Capabilities of Your Potential Partner 

An SEO Campaign Starts with Analysis

A thorough website analysis provides valuable insights into a website’s performance and helps identify areas for improvement. By partnering with an SEO reseller that excels in website analysis, you can ensure that your clients receive data-driven recommendations that drive results.

Technical SEO

Are they deeply proficient at technical SEO services? It’s one thing to bang out content and do basic link building services, but can they diagnose, advise and fix complex technical issues? If you’re trying to build a reputation as a top-tier SEO Company you must be able to conquer these types of issues. You must evaluate the SEO resellers’ technical seo capabilities.

Keyword Research

Keyword Research capabilities and expertise are a MUST. Your ideal partner must be highly skilled in keyword research, as keywords are strikingly different for local seo vs. national seo vs. e-commerce SEO. Keyword selection shouldn’t be just focused on the highest volume, but take into consideration, keyword difficulty and whether or not a keyword will convert. Keyword optimization starts with research.

SEO Content Creation

On page optimization starts with incredible content. Today’s search engines demand exceptionally well-written and engaging content. The days of keyword stuffing to win positions in search results are long gone. Search engine marketing has evolved into content marketing. Exceptional managed SEO services start with exceptional content. In your evaluation, you need to look at the quality of the content that the white label SEO companies have on their own sites. Their content quality will represent your SEO agency!

White Label SEO Reporting

Detailed white labeled reporting is another essential aspect of evaluating the quality of SEO reseller services. Do you have to take their reports and add your logos? Do you have to meet with the client and determine what kind of custom KPIs they want to monitor? Will the SEO reseller programs provide custom reporting?

Reporting can reveal trends of various keywords and demonstrate the potential for the company to adjust its emphasis to other keywords. By ensuring that your SEO reseller partner provides comprehensive white label SEO reports and analysis, you can make informed decisions about your clients’ campaigns and deliver consistent results.

Overcoming Common Challenges in SEO Reselling

Reseller ChallengesWhen reselling SEO, some of the common challenges include managing customer expectations, sudden drops in rankings, competition, frequent algorithm changes, and resource scarcity. To overcome these challenges, adopting a proactive approach and staying informed about the latest SEO trends and techniques is essential. A well managed seo partner starts with exceptional communication.

Managing client expectations effectively requires regular communication, setting achievable expectations, and providing frequent updates on progress. By being transparent with clients about potential risks associated with reselling and addressing their concerns promptly, you can build trust and confidence in your services.

Addressing unexpected ranking drops requires staying informed about the latest algorithm changes, monitoring clients’ rankings frequently, and being candid with clients about potential risks associated with reselling. By keeping abreast of the latest SEO trends and techniques, you can adapt your strategies accordingly and ensure the success of your clients’ seo projects.

Finally, dealing with competition and changing algorithms requires staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends and proactively monitoring clients’ rankings. By being transparent with clients about potential risks associated with SEO and adjusting your strategies as needed, you can remain competitive in the ever-evolving world of search engine optimization.

With That! Company, you can set all of that aside; our SEO experts stay abreast of the changes, set expectations, and communicate with the client. You collect the checks!

Building a Successful Partnership with Your SEO Reseller

PartnershipBuilding a successful partnership with your SEO reseller starts with understanding their processes, setting clear expectations, and establishing trust. By ensuring that both you and your SEO reseller partner share the same goals and values, you can work together to deliver exceptional results for your clients.

Clear communication is crucial in establishing a successful partnership. Ensure that you maintain open lines of communication with your SEO reseller partner, discussing any concerns or issues as they arise. This not only helps build trust between you and your partner but also ensures that you stay informed about the progress of your clients’ campaigns.

Finally, it is important to continually evaluate the performance of your SEO reseller partner and make adjustments as needed. By staying proactive and adapting your strategies based on the results of your clients’ campaigns, you can ensure the long-term success of your partnership and deliver consistent results for your clients.


In conclusion, choosing the best SEO reseller services for your business is crucial in today’s competitive digital marketing landscape. By considering factors such as experience and expertise, communication and support, pricing structure and flexibility, customization and scalability, you can select the perfect partner to help your agency resell SEO, grow and succeed.

By overcoming common challenges and building a successful partnership with your SEO reseller, you can ensure that your clients receive exceptional service and results, ultimately driving your agency’s success. Now that you have the knowledge and tools to make an informed decision, it’s time to forge a successful partnership with your SEO reseller, That! Company and take your agency to new heights!

SEO Reseller FAQs

What is an SEO reseller?

An SEO reseller is an agency that offers white label SEO services to clients. These services are usually offered to development, design, and marketing agencies, who use the SEO reseller’s expertise and skill set to expand their own service offerings.

As a result, the SEO reseller helps these businesses meet their goals and objectives more efficiently.

What are the benefits of using an SEO reseller?

For companies looking to offer SEO services to their clients without hiring in-house experts, SEO resellers are a great solution. They handle all of the SEO and allow businesses to reap the rewards with minimal effort and cost.

Ultimately, this enables them to make more money while providing valuable services to their customers.

How much does it cost to do SEO?

The cost of SEO services will vary greatly, depending on the size of your project and the provider you choose. On average, quality SEO should cost $3,000+/month, at an average hourly rate of $150+.

SEO campaigns can cost anywhere from $5,000/mo to $100,000+/month, depending on the vertical, and local SEO costs may be slightly lower. Does your SEO reseller’s seo packages cover this wide expanse?

How do I sell SEO content?

To sell SEO content effectively, ensure you find the right prospects, use the appropriate questions to determine their requirements and develop an effective service proposal that highlights the solutions you can offer them. Be sure to include convincing case studies and provide quick wins to show your effectiveness.

Lastly, always focus on revenue when setting performance indicators.

What is an SEO reseller program?

An SEO reseller program is a partnership between an SEO company and a digital marketing agency that enables the agency to offer SEO services to its clients. Through SEO outsourcing, the agency can provide value to their customers by offering fully managed SEO campaigns while freeing up time and resources to focus on other core competencies.

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