Organization of social platforms by using a dashboard is good however you want to de-centralize your conversations on it. Having person-to-person conversations is great for engagement. Empowering your team to engage your customers in personal conversation is exactly what de-organize - socialcentralized conversation is all about.

“Imagine the opposite of the hub and spoke model – fully distributed content creation arising from each point of contact independently.” Did you know the City of New York (CNY) set their sites on being the world’s leading digital city and is quickly approaching it? They achieved this by implanted a Social Advocate in each agency and allowed self-governing control over departmental messaging. This kind of “empowered autonomy becomes particularly relevant on a global scale where a centralized approach may not respect or understand cultural differences at the micro level.” What you need to do to be successful is to consolidate your efforts. Each of the CNY Social Advocates also belonged to a bigger team run by the CNY Digital Media team. The teams cultivated collaboration, coordination on messaging and shared best practices. “Transferring knowledge and best practices from digital leaders to team members further educates and empowers your Social Team to contribute to the conversation.”

(Excerpt from HootSuite White Paper)