Black Friday Marketing Strategy | Holiday Sale Ads

Hello, November! Suddenly the end of the year has crept up on us yet again and Black Friday and Cyber Monday are right around the corner. Are you prepared for this top eCommerce holiday or does the thought of it start stressing you out? Take a breath, my friend, as we are going to pour some knowledge into you that will not only ease your worries but also arm your business with a surefire Black Friday marketing strategy that will maximize your sales this holiday season.

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What Is Black Friday and Cyber Monday?

Black Friday has been a huge marketing tactic since the 1980s and each year it seems to grow in popularity and demand. Black Friday falls on the day after Thanksgiving, this year that day is November 26th. With less than 30 days until Christmas, it is one of the most popular days for folks to shop gifts and make personal upgrades for a fraction of the cost.

Cyber Monday is a relatively newer term, coined around 2005. This is the Monday following Black Friday that focuses solely on online sales. While Black Friday has the longevity of shoppers, Cyber Monday is nothing to snuff at. In 2020 alone, shoppers spent close to $10.8 billion on online purchases.

Are you ready to capitalize on American consumers’ favorite holidays? We will answer some of your burning questions surrounding these events and help you craft a successful Black Friday marketing strategy.

When To Build Your Black Friday Marketing Strategy and Begin Advertising

Start Advertising Online | Person Typing on LaptopThe holiday season can seem like whir for shoppers and businesses alike and time is of the essence when it comes to planning your Black Friday marketing strategy. Before you dive headfirst into launching new campaigns, make sure you set some clear goals for what you want to achieve with your Black Friday ad campaign. Consider what audiences you are trying to reach, what platforms you are going to use, how to make your ads stand out among the crowd, and how to create enticing but still profitable deals.

Preparing your Black Friday marketing strategy usually takes place a few weeks before the actual shopping holiday. Consider your inventory, what items you want to move quickly, what items are popular to your target market, and what items are going to have the best bang for their buck (even at reduced prices). Once you have your goals and inventory in line, you will want to start building and launching your ad campaigns at different intervals.

Some businesses profit from marketing Black Friday deals before the actual day, using a chunk of November to markdown different items at different times. Some businesses hold all the goodies until the actual day. It is up to you and which route best fits your brand and business model. Remember, don’t bite off more than you can chew, especially if you are a smaller business. Upholding customer satisfaction is still of the utmost importance. As the adage says, under-promise and over-deliver to keep your customer’s content. Keep your staff, inventory, and time constraints in mind when building your Black Friday marketing strategy.

How To Prepare and Launch a Successful Black Friday Marketing Strategy

Launch a Successful Black Friday Marketing Strategy | Person with Cut BoardBlack Friday and the weeks leading up to it can hold some of the best sales tactics and revenue bumps for your business. However, to reap these rewards, it’s important to have the best Black Friday marketing strategy in place. In the following sections, we will discuss the most important elements of a holiday marketing campaign and what items need to be in place for your shoppers and business to have the best Black Friday and/or Cyber Monday yet.

Enhance Landing Pages & Optimize Your Website

Your website is your shopfront, if not the entire shop itself. This is where you make a good first impression or a welcoming home to previous customers. You want your shopper’s eCommerce experience to be as smooth and easy as possible, from browsing your Black Friday deals, reading product descriptions, adding items to their cart, to checking out. Run through the process yourself and troubleshoot any areas where a potential customer may be bogged down or abandon their cart (or the site entirely).

As for the website layout, you want it to be clean, easily browsable, and not too crowded. Give your shoppers space to look through the options with ease, as they would in a normal store, without too many pop-ups or other distractions. Sweep them away into their shopping experience as if your storefront is the only site on the web that has exactly what they want and what they need. A good Black Friday marketing strategy begins with a user-friendly website.

Next, consider the mobile experience on your site. A well-functioning and beautiful desktop design is always a good thing but in 2020, HubSpot observed that 75% of shoppers used their mobile device for their entire Black Friday shopping experience from product research, to price comparison, to the final purchase. It is an absolute must that your website’s mobile experience, as well as ad campaigns, are designed for mobile users.

Lastly, you want to make sure your site is properly optimized for the keywords you are trying to win this Black Friday. Remember, SEO doesn’t happen overnight so you want to make sure your content is in place a while before Black Friday commences so searchers and crawlers can find your pages in time and build rankings on search engine result pages (SERPs). A successful Black Friday marketing strategy takes time and research but having a well-performing website is key.

[bctt tweet=”Preparing your Black Friday marketing strategy usually takes place a few weeks before the actual shopping holiday. Consider your inventory, what items you want to move quickly, what items are popular to your target market, and what items are going to have the best bang for their buck…” username=”ThatCompanycom”]

Reach New Audiences with Paid Ad Campaigns

You can reach more potential customers using PPC (pay-per-click) ad campaigns. Do remember though that competition is intense when it comes to paid ads around Black Friday and Cyber Monday. You should carefully plan and execute your PPC campaigns. Once you have your budget set, here are some tips to best increase your exposure with your Black Friday paid ad campaigns:

Not sure where to begin when building your PPC Black Friday marketing strategy? Or perhaps you don’t have the tools or experience to launch a truly successful Cyber Monday paid ad campaign? Learn more about our white label PPC services and how we can help your business this holiday season.

The Power of Social Media Marketing

Social media has a vast potential reach to your current audience as well as reaching new customers. The best Black Friday marketing strategy for your social media profiles is to plan. Create a content calendar geared specifically to boost attention around your Black Friday deals and steals. This will help you build brand awareness as well as encourage engagement with your followers.

Here are some ideas for a successful Black Friday marketing strategy utilizing your social media platforms:

We hope these social media tips are helpful when creating your Black Friday marketing strategy. Need assistance with your social media presence? Learn more about our white label social media management.

Boost Visibility with Email Campaigns

Email campaigns can be an effective Black Friday marketing strategy if executed properly. Around this time of year, inboxes everywhere are flooded with enticing offers and hot deals. You need your email blast to stand out in the crowd! Here are a few tips on how to make your email campaign shine and boost your visibility:

Entice Purchases with Descriptive Content Marketing

While the pressure around Black Friday and Cyber Monday is “Buy! Buy! Buy!” remember that your shoppers are less likely to make indulgent and impulsive decisions. While in a store, there is the “buy it or lose it” mentality, online shopping loses some of the inherent pressure of “limited quantity”. If one website runs out of stock, they may be able to find it in stock somewhere else and even perhaps for a better price.

This is where content marketing comes into play. You want to be descriptive about your products. A vast number of Black Friday and Cyber Monday shoppers spend a chunk of time researching their potential purchases, scouring the web for the best deal for the best product. Utilize content marketing as a Black Friday marketing strategy that will put you ahead of the rest. Here are some tips on what to include in your content marketing:

Incorporating some of these content marketing strategies will not only help your online sales during the Black Friday and Cyber Monday season but also year-round, so we encourage you to dedicate some time to these efforts.

Troubleshoot the Check Out Process and Reduce Cart Abandonment

Reduce Cart Abandonment | Shopping Cart Abandoned in Parking Lot

While this may be the last headline we discuss, this is honestly one of the hottest topics to talk about: Cart Abandonment. Those words alone can send shivers down the spine of any eCommerce business owner. Have no fear, there are many ways that you can minimize or completely cut out your cart abandonment issues with a Black Friday marketing strategy and a well-adjusted checkout process.

One of the main reasons carts are abandoned is unexpected costs associated with the check-out process. No one, I repeat no one, likes surprise fees or unexpected costs when it’s time to put in those credit card numbers. Rather than including service fees or shipping costs, you can include these as “free” and incorporate those costs into your product prices, to begin with, or you can forgo those costs altogether if it’s not biting too big into your profits.

You can include unexpected promotions or deals in the checkout process to entice them further to finish the checkout process. If you do forgo the fees and shipping costs, make sure those line items are still there but struck through, so they see how much they are saving when shopping on-site as well as how much your business cares about customer satisfaction. This can encourage customer loyalty as well as increase the number of return customers in the future.

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We Wish You Luck with Your Black Friday Marketing Strategy

We hope you found this guideline helpful, and you implement some of these techniques and marketing opportunities so you can strike when the iron is hot. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or newbie at online marketing, we are always here to help. As the leading white label marketing agency, it is our pleasure to help businesses learn, grow, and succeed. Happy Shopping Holidays, from all of us here at That Company, and may your Black Friday marketing strategy generate big returns for your business.