3 Tips for Marketing on YouTube

3 Tips for Marketing on YouTube

YouTube is a great platform to create content and your social media channels should be an extension of your lead generation efforts, herein lies the importance of marketing on YouTube. As a business owner or marketer, it is important to understand what the users are searching for, what metrics should be tracked, and how to […]

Finding “Bottom-of-the-Funnel” Sales Leads in Facebook Groups

Finding Bottom of the Funnel Sales Leads in Facebook Groups

Imagine the impact on your business if you had continuous access to qualified, high-value prospects without having to lift a finger. What if every one of your leads were personally referred to your business? We all know referrals are GOLD! But what makes referred leads so much better than regular ones? Why do referrals supercharge […]

How to Use LinkedIn to Generate Leads?

How to use LinkedIn to generate leads

Are you asking yourself “Is good to have LinkedIn to generate leads”? Well first we must start off with: What is Lead Generation? Lead Generation is the process of generating an in-depth list of qualified prospects. The leads would have to meet a set of specific criteria that have been specified by the business, which […]

How to Increase Social Media Engagement

How to increase Social Media Engagement SMM

Social Media is beginning to take its rightful throne in the world of marketing as for many businesses it’s the key catalyst for brand growth. Social media engagement is a sign that you are making an impact in the market. It is not just about looking popular: it is about making meaningful connections with current […]

Twitter Ad and Its Power

Twitter Ad and Its Power SMM

Enhance your Twitter marketing strategy with a powerful Twitter ad! Twitter ads are easy to use and can be equally cost-effective depending on how you decide to use them.  There are ways you can put your dollars behind your Twitter account for advertising.  Get ready to dive in and learn more about Twitter Ads and […]

White Label Social Media Services Increase Revenues


Each day, I offer the gamut of digital marketing services, as appropriate, to prospects with whom I speak. Whenever I recommend our White Label social media services to someone a partner has invited to my competitor analysis, I get excited. These clients’ social media accounts seem to be begging for our social media management services. […]

Is Twitter Marketing Still Worth Using As Tool In 2021?

Twitter SMM

Twitter is one of the most renowned social media platforms that has redefined the online marketing landscape. May it be pop-culture, health news, or politics– Twitter proves that it can be both a social networking tool and a search engine tool in which you can find the latest information about any topic. People talk all […]

TikTok, Is it Worth Your Time as a Business?

Tiktok For Business Twitter Size

TikTok is a lot of things. It is new, creative, fun, innovative, time-consuming, but more important than all of that, TikTok is popular. If you consider yourself a person who prefers a phone call over a text, if you get confused by hashtags, or if you have never heard the word emoji before. There is […]

The Top 6 Benefits of a Private Label Partner in Digital Marketing

Maybe your digital marketing agency is growing so fast you can barely keep or posed to. Could be you are just starting out, and you have more questions than answers. Regardless of where you are, it can make a lot of sense to find a private label partner to fill in some of your weaknesses, […]

11 Social Media Best Practices for 2020

Social Media best practices are ever-changing and those that can stay on top of those changes and adapt will be the ones to dominate the market. Keep in mind that social media may be where your customers and clients are, but they are there and not looking for products and services. Interruptive marketing is a […]