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CTR: Every Impression Counts

Unlike the first impression when meeting someone; EVERY impression counts in pay-per-click advertising. Don’t believe me? You must if you checked your click through rate (CTR) and ended up here. You post your ads, see thousands of impressions, and life is good. “I built it and they’ll come” you say, but why do I see only 25 clicks for 200,000 impressions… a 0.01% CTR?

That’s because a large percentage of users searched the keywords that pulled your ad then found little to no relevance to click on it. Check the searched terms for your keywords and take a look at what’s pulling your ads. Do you sell faucets for kitchen sinks and have just the keyword “kitchen”? If so, be prepared for every search term relating to kitchen including the kitchen sink.

Make sure your keywords are specifically geared towards your target audience. This includes the phrase types (exact, phrase, broad, modified broad). You may even want to go a step further and add some of those search terms to the negative-keyword list. Just don’t add “kitchen” as a negative. Unless you want your business to go down the drain.


These steps will have a huge impact on your click through rate. At least if you don’t get more clicks, which you will, you won’t be included in searches that have nothing to do with you and have a better chance reaching that targeted audience.

Written By: Glen Burton – PPC

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