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Did someone say Bacon?

So we have made it through another week. We have helped clients and worked hard. Today we will work some more and then have a little funbaconlater on with a Minute-To-Win-It Tissue pulling competition (don’t worry we’ll refold and reuse the pulled tissues – we don’t like to be wasteful).

Did you hear there was a bacon shortage a little while back? Then a few weeks after the announcement it was refuted and said there will be NO bacon shortage? Well, we were a little flustered around and then relieved. If there is something you should know about most of the employees at THAT! is that there is a love of bacon around here. There might be the odd ball or two who doesn’t eat meat but majority rules. So in honor of no bacon shortage and the love of bacon we present you with…

I’m sure you will be singing this for the rest of the day (we will). This blurb really was brought on after going through our news feed and Scott Monty said he made some of these for his kids this morning. After watching the video I couldn’t believe I didn’t know this song existed. Have a great day and a relaxing weekend.



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