Do quick response times break the search cycle?

instant gratification stops the search cycleHave you ever been in a restaurant and saw a sign that says, sign up for our newsletter and get your meal for free, and think oh perfect I will fill that out and eat for free, so you provide your information knowing you are getting signed up for a monthly sometimes daily newsletter, and wait only to find out that they do not send it for twenty-four sometimes forty-eight hours? Yea that strategic marketing is, they have, you pay once and then you’ll be drawn to go again. But as the consumer you wanted instant gratification. Same goes for when your searching for a provider. You get a task set, and your determined to find the answer today, so you click on the first link that offers what your looking for, again you submit your information. If you do not get the answer right away what do you do? Well you go to the next provider that will hopefully give it to you. Instant results, that’s why here at That! Company, we absolutely strive to be the first and only to grab your attention. So, you are in the market for Internet marketing, and you search the best SEO company, of course you’ll stumble to our page. We value your time, and energy which is why it is so important to have the best response time to your request. Ensuring we are speedy at answering your request gives us a better chance at a few things.

  • An overall better customer experience.
  • A slimmer chance of being in competition for your attention.
  • A higher chance of closing the deal
  • We set a standard that follows thru to every aspect of the work we provide.

speedy service helps get customersBy answering your request for information in a speedy manner you as the consumer will feel that we as the provider respect your time, and energy. Which allows for a mutual respect to grow. One of the biggest goals when looking for a provider of any sort is to feel like you are number one, we respect you. Your time is as valuable as ours, and we would not want someone to make light of the energy and time we put into completing this task. So that is why we strive to always answer a request for information within minutes of you entering it. This also allows for you to mark tasks complete without having to dig deeper in multiple directions to find the solution which leads us to our second goal.

Keeping your attention allows us to win your respect and earn your business without having to prove why we are better then the rest. It makes sense, you are looking to buy a specific item, and numerous company’s send you coupons for that item, you are going to select the one that gives you the most value, and what is better then having that up front and center. So, if we can earn your trust and business while our company is still fresh in your mind, we won’t have to compete for your business.  Kind of like shopping for a television provider. They all basically offer the same item, it is a matter of who can give you the best product for the best cost. While also providing stand up customer service. After talking to numerous companies, it is almost impossible to remember what is different about each of them. So, keeping your selection to a minimum gives us a better chance of being the company who sets apart from the rest. It also keeps you from having to share your information with multiple companies before knowing if they will actually be the company for you.  Keeping the competition to a minimum allows us to close the deal.

While this isn’t necessarily a concern of the consumer, from the provider side of the field. Having a speedy response time, is a lot like an ambulance. The fast we get to your need the better chance we have of being able to “seal the deal” much like the faster an ambulance gets to a crash the better chance the paramedics have to turn a mess into a situation they can handle. After closing the deal, it allows that same style of work and dedication to follow thru to all aspects of our work. As a customer, you don’t want to send in a service ticket, and be placed in a que of people, again it’s the instant call to action you are looking for, and we understand that. Which is why we implement a five or faster in our initial conversation. This moto trickles through all of our divisions, because we respect your time. Just like we would hope you would respect ours, that’s how respect works right?  Its our goal to provide excellent customer service and this is just how it starts. By submitting a lead on our site, it allows us the chance to set a tone for excellent and speedy customer service as well as keep the competition to a minimum because we are where the buck stops, as well as giving you the instant gratification you as the consumer deserve.

customers want resultsSo, the next time you are looking for speedy response time or even better your customers are looking for instant results, remember why it is important to give them that. It is not only beneficial to the consumer but to the provider as well. I mean customers are our life, and it is customer service that turns a lead to a sale.  Keeping your company fresh on the consumers brain by answering their call to duty with as little wasted time as possible will help your closing rates as well as give you an over all better customer experience because the level of respect is set from the beginning. There are only 86,400 seconds in a day, and no one has time to waste. Speedy customer service is one small detail you can change in your business to help you successful in closing sales. Why do you think car dealers get your number and call you immediately?  Because they know the value of your time. They know if they don’t make their case, there are more companies out there that will. So, they take the bull by the horns and make every moment count.  So what happens if they don’t, well you will stumble across the next dealers site that offers the same product you were just looking at on their site, and you enter the same information to that second or third site, and your phone rings,  you get a call that says I saw  you were looking for a dodge truck, how can I help you?  And there goes the sale, because the person on the buying end wants instant results, and you aren’t there to give it to them. So, give us a try, fill out a lead on our website and see how we compare. We strive to give that instant action you are looking for, because we know how important your time is, because so is ours, and we are out to win your business by giving you the best customer experience we can, in multiple aspects.

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