Don't Make These SEO Mistakes… It Will Cost You!

Strategies on being effective with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) have evolved over time but, one thing is clear… what not to do is just as important as what you do! Here are a few things to avoid like the plague as you march forward.

Don’t stuff keywords

Great content is written for people, not the search engines. So, if you load your content chock full of key words to attract the search engine bots, you are asking for trouble. Avoid repeating your keywords time after time… even if that is the search term you wish to rank, the repetitiveness will look unnecessary and is annoying for your readers.

Be aware of what your SEO company is doing

Not only can their actions propel a website up quickly, it can also have your website falling at light speed and ruining any opportunity to rank in the search engines. An example of this is getting a large amount of low-quality or spammy backlinks. It’s much better to have a few high-quality, relevant links that 10,000 bad ones.

Don’t steal other content


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Although tempting, never copy word for word and post as your own content. Not only is it unethical but, that duplicate content will undoubtedly ensure your post, page or website will not rank. One way to properly post content of other people is to summarize, give credit or link back to the original piece.

SEO companies are just like doctors, lawyers and cooks… there are some which are good and some who are bad. Be sure that your business relies on one with ethics and a strong knowledge of industry best practices.

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