One of the most famous people you’ve never heard of…

It is on the uprise! It is everywhere! It is… unreal!!!



With so many social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter, it is becoming easier to create public profiles and share who someone, or what something, is to the world. But how do you determine who really is credible and who isn’t? A primary example of how credibility may be fooled involves Santiago Swallow, a “man” who got away with a Kred (6) score of 754 out of 1000!


famous people

Santiago is, according to writer Kevin Ashton, “one of the most famous people no one has heard of.” Ashton describes this “Hollywood-handsome man” as a “pure product of the internet.” Santiago has his own official website, social media accounts as well as a Wikipedia biography. He even tweets philosophical generated quotes to his tens of thousands of followers and retweets things he finds interesting. According to the internet, he’s quite legit; although “he was conjured out of keystrokes in a matter of minutes.”


“The disassociation of self would lead to a revision of the standard definition of Multiple Personality Disorder to include selves that only manifest in the online world.”


That was just one of the updates TweetAdder generated on his behalf. With the help of several sites Santiago was born * ahem* created:

  1. 1) Scriverner -> Developed his name
  2. 2) Fiverr -> To buy Twitter followers (to boost his image)
  3. 3) Google Images & Adobe’s Lightroom -> Create a unique profile picture

In a matter of hours, he was accredited by ‘Kred’, “a service provided by San Francisco company People Browsr,” with a “score of 754 out of 1000.”


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Read the full social experiment here!


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