What To Look For In An Internet Marketing Company

You delegate doing your taxes to an accountant, so why not delegate managing your online presence to an internet marketing company? Doing so will allow you to focus more closely on working in your business, rather than marketing it. If you’re not familiar with online marketing, however, you may not be sure of how to find a reputable firm you can trust. Allow us to make a few suggestions.

First, you will want to work with a company that has been around for a while. Google changes its search algorithm literally hundreds of times a year, but certain basic aspects of online marketing tend to remain the same. You want a company who knows how to spot and move with the changes – because they have done it before, and continue to do it regularly – but at the same time knows what is fundamentally important to a successful campaign.

Second, your internet marketing company of choice should always communicate clearly with you about what they are doing. They should provide you with regular reports on the progress of your campaign, and answer any questions you have about the work being done. While they may explain that certain things are “proprietary,” this should very much be the exception rather than the rule.

Find An Internet Marketing Company That Can Handle It All

Third, your online marketing company should not only be able to explain to you the differences between SEO, PPC, SMM, and many other internet marketing approaches, but they should be able to do it all in-house. With a full range of expertise available, they will be able to tell you which approach is best suited to achieving the results you want.

Fourth, on the topic of expertise, you should also ask the digital marketing company you are considering about the certifications their staff has earned. For example, Google offers multiple certifications in areas such as AdWords and Analytics. These certifications are not easy to get, and involve a commitment to continuing education that reflects well on the company and its culture.

Fifth, that commitment to continuing education should stretch to the marketing company’s clients. Does your account manager meet with you regularly? Do they ask lots of questions about your field in general and your business in particular? Do they educate you about what they are doing to raise your profile in the search engines, and why they are doing it? In short, are they comfortable with both learning and teaching?


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