Is Cyber Monday fading?

Can you believe it has only been seven years since Cyber Monday started? Cyber Monday usually blows away Black Friday in sales (in 2011 Cyber Monday sales tallied $1.25 billion versus $816 million for Black Friday). Brick and mortar stores started “Black Friday” sales as early as Thursday night at 8pm for many reasons but to definitely get a jump on sales. However, consumers are much savvier when it comes to shopping – they aren’t waiting until Monday to shop online. Consumers might be in an actual store, but they are using mobile devices to check prices online to see if they are really getting the best deal. For consumers it isn’t about getting a jump on sales, it’s more about getting the best deal (even if you can’t take it home with you right away). With this type of shopping, there is a direct competition between offline and online stores no matter what day it might be. Does this mean Cyber Monday will go away and Black Friday will reign supreme? Marshal Cohen, chief industry analyst at NPD Group, says Cyber Monday will eventually phase out. While Sucharita Mulpuru, Forrester Research Analyst, says it will evolve to where it is shared with the brick and mortar stores. I think it goes without saying it is already shared. As far as being phased out…I don’t think that will happen. There is already a following for it – consumers like a deal and might be quite upset if it does go away. Once retailers continue to provide different offers between Black Friday and Cyber Monday it will keep consumers engaged (and spending money).

cyber monday

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