IT Training and SEO


Keep Your It Skills Up To Date To Help Your SEO

In IT it is very important that you keep up on new developments in the field. These days, that means keeping up with anything related to building a website and getting it to function properly. After all, it’s much harder to gain the benefits of good SEO when your website isn’t working!

This blog will cover one tool that can help you keep your skills up to date. has a certification program that can be very useful. They offer certificates in the following areas:

  • HTML: Documents your knowledge of HTML.
  • HTML 5: Documents your knowledge of advanced HTML 5.
  • CSS: Documents your knowledge of advanced CSS.
  • JavaScript: Documents your knowledge of JavaScript and HTML DOM.
  • jQuery: Documents your knowledge of jQuery.
  • PHP: Documents your knowledge of PHP and SQL(MySQL).
  • Bootstrap: Documents your knowledge of web development using Bootstrap.
  • XML: Documents your knowledge of XML, XML DOM, and XSLT.

These 8 certificates reflect a good cross section of areas that are essential for a thorough understanding of web design and development.

Qualifying for a certificate demonstrates a level of proficiency in a subject. These certificates should show a foundation of knowledge in an area. There will always be more to learn and changes to keep up with. The value of the certificates is that they show a grasp of the fundamental concepts relating to a subject. After completing an area of study, there are other sites and other resources to continue learning and mastering those subjects. While things may change, the fundamentals do tend to remain the same.

It is in my personal plan to complete all of these certificates, but most could find at least one or two that might be useful to them if they do any kind of coding at all.

In addition to their certificate program, also offers tutorials in these subjects and several other areas.


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  • HTML/CSS: HTML, HTML 5, CSS, W3CSS, Bootstrap
  • JavaScript: JavaScript, jQuery, JqueryMobile, AppML, AngularJS, AJAX, JSON
  • HTML Graphics: Canvas, SVG, Icons, Google Maps
  • Server Side: SQL, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET
  • Web Building: Web Building, Web Statistics, Web Certificates
  • XML Tutorials: XML, Schema, XML DOM, XSLT, XQuery, WSDL

I find this site to be a tremendous resource and offer this up in hopes that others in IT and web development may also find it useful.

— Robert Hunt, Search Engine Technical Coordinator

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