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Olympic Athletes to Compete and Tweet in 2012

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The Olympic Committee has decided to allow athletes to tweet during the 2012 Olympic Games in London. The committee is encouraging athletes to “take part in social media and to post, blog and tweet their experiences.”

There are a few rules and guidelines, however. The most important rule is that they can share what ever they want as long as it isn’t for any commercial purposes. The use of distasteful and curse words is frowned upon. Athletes are encouraged to use “first-person, diary-type formats” to forge a closer connection with followers.

Pictures may be uploaded to social media sites but no pictures are allowed to be sold or distributed. This is a big step for the Olympics. In 2008, athletes were prohibited from taking pictures of venues at the Beijing Olympics. Sharing video or audio will not be allowed at the 2012 Olympics in London. Athletes could be banned from competitions if they do not follow these rules.

With athletes keeping in touch with their fans this Olympic season, the committee expects there will be even more viewers supporting the Olympics than ever before.


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