Riding Out The Storm

Inbox full of leads that need to be managedThe biggest challenges we face in any business is the huge influx of leads and customers that come in. You might be thinking, wait, isn’t that a good problem? Yes, my dear friend, it is a great problem to have and any company will tell you that it is a good problem. But what happens when your top sales rep starts to get overwhelmed? Or what if they get so stressed they mentally just give up? These are problems that happen more often than most expect. I can tell you this much, as a sales rep since 2005 I have had my moments where I second-guessed myself and even thought about quitting. But lucky for me I had a great team and management around me that recognized and saw that I was burning out. They took me aside and said, “ Just ride out this storm and then take some time to yourself and relax.” Having this type of team is highly important in any position. You may have to go to your own boss and tell them that they need to take some time to relax and not think about work. I have personally done this to some of my own managers. They didn’t even realize that they were burning the candle at both ends until someone confronted them about it. Recharging your batteries puts you into a position of being able to relax, gain some mental clarity, and allow you to return to your job refreshed and ready to face any challenge that is foolish enough to face you. (Yes, I used a Dwight Schrute quote from The Office.) You need to do this every so often in order to be the best version of you that you and your clients deserve. Now you might be wondering, “How will I know if I am burning out?” or “What is the best way to prevent me from burning out too quick?” Well, in this article I am going to go over a few areas that will help you determine that and how to move forward in a positive way. So, without further ado, let us get started. On another note, thank you again for reading my articles. I am in no sense of the word a “writer”, but I enjoy doing it. I hope you enjoy reading them.

Knowing Is Half The Battle

Schedule on computer showing scheduled time Whenever you are faced with a problem the first thing you have to do is recognize it, understand what you are facing and what you are dealing with, and then you can start making a plan on how to overcome it. When you come to the agreement that you are burning out the best thing to do is look at your current work load and see what you have that is outstanding and what is coming up.  The outstanding projects you have to handle first. Your clients are expecting results, and you have to get it done for them and get it done as soon as possible. The upcoming work is where you can start prioritizing and scheduling when you can work on things. It is not a bad thing to block off certain time slots on your calendar to handle the work and do it at your leisure. A lot of folks do it like that. They know they have a project that is due let’s say a week away, so they block off time, maybe an hour or 30 minutes each day to work on it. This allows them time to handle other projects that might have sprung up on them or  are pressing at that time.

How To Let Go Of The Stress And Come Back Strong

Bird flying away like stress when you let it go When you are facing the challenge of being burned out or overly stressed the best thing to do is take a couple days to yourself. I myself took some time away to spend time with my Dad and my Brother. It wasn’t until I was with them that I truly realized how much I missed them. I have seen them and talked to them , but I never spent real time with them. For example, I went out and helped my Dad clean the yard and work on one of his vehicles. We laughed,  talked about old times, and just bonded.. With my Brother we both stayed up late watching some old UFC fights and one of our all time favorite shows growing up “Viva La Bam”. Yes, the show with Bam Margera, and all of his crazy pranks and friends. We had both watched all 5 seasons and knew what was going to happen, but we laughed so hard like it was the first time we watched it. It was at that point that I knew I was ready to get back to the grind and start knocking some sales out of the park. I felt reborn almost, and when I returned to work my manager said to me, “ You look refreshed and ready to go”. I replied with, “ I am! Let’s do this. Sometimes taking a couple days to regather yourself and look at what the size of the work load you have been dealing with is important. For you to recognize it, and tell your manager is not a bad thing. Some may think, “I don’t want my manager to think I am weak or I can’t handle my job”. Although your thoughts might leave you feeling defeated, it is really not the case. You might as well let your manager know that you are a hard worker, and that even the best of us need time to recharge our batteries and relax. Heck, that is why we have vacations! Am I right?

After all of this I can safely assume that you have taken the time to read another article by me. Again, it is greatly appreciated. My biggest thing for you, my reader, is to acknowledge when you are getting to the point of getting burned out. When you get to this point we often start making small mistakes, and eventually small mistakes become big mistakes.  I know for a fact that you do not want that for you, your company, and most importantly, your clients. When you start feeling like this, take it to your manager. Ask for a one-on-one conversation with them to address your concerns, and how you feel. Make a plan to take a couple days to yourself to recharge your batteries. When you are recharging those batteries, do something that you will enjoy. You will find sanctuary in it, whether if it is going fishing, going for a walk on the beach, or even taking a long drive to somewhere you have never been before and admiring the beauty that the world has to offer you. You are not confined to your desk and your computer. Your health and mindset matter, and I know it matters to your clients and your coworkers. Thank you again for reading, It really is a cool thing knowing that this is published on our site. If it can help just one of you then I have done my job. Cheers!

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