Twitter Ads Are Here

Just as Twitter revealed it had a staggering 105 million registered users at the Chirp developers conference this week, the mini-blogging company launched its Promoted Tweets platform for advertisers.


Several large corporations, such as Virgin America and Starbucks, have already signed on to participate in promoting their products and services on Twitter.


Many in the Twitterverse are wondering how promotional tweets are going to work. Could Promoted Tweets adversely affect the user’s experience, such as an increase in Twitter streams spammed with advertisements? How Promoted Tweets will affect tweeters depends solely on the advertiser and Twitter’s ability to monitor the quality of the process.



The Promoted Tweets have been compared to Google’s Adwords. However, Twitter is emphasizing the organic nature of Promoted Tweets in conjunction with quality resonance scores, according to A Promoted Tweet must maintain a high-quality resonance score to be displayed. If users aren’t viewing, replying, or retweeting Promoted Tweets, they will disappear from the view, explains.


Because each Promoted Tweet is judged on a resonance score, it’s incumbent upon advertisers to give users what they want. performed an analysis of a popular beer brand asking people “What’s the buzz about Dos Equis?” Most of the respondents – 62% –  said they liked the ad. Using this Data, suggested Dos Equis could try to increase the influence of the ad by promoting tweets linking to more video clips of The Most Interesting Man in The World advertisements. The challenge is ensuring ads are compelling, engaging and relevant to Twitter users.


Twitter has already announced plans to expand the Promoted Tweets program to encompass main Tweet streams. Some users are a little reluctant to embrace ads in their primary feeds.


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Those who use Twitter have mixed feelings about the new business model in a analysis. The analysis shows 42% of respondents are afraid of getting spammed; 31% are open to the idea and want to see more and 27% think Promoted Tweets are a good idea.


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