Groupon Goes Public

Groupon filed for a $750 million IPO Monday. Groupon stock could be worth billions as it goes public. Word about the purposed move lit up the web with speculation earlier this year. groupon logo

The Internet-based coupon saver website released detailed stats on its finances and business model to potential investors. Here are some of those details that have emerged by the numbers since the announcement.


  • Subscribers: 83.1 million

    Market presence: 175 North American markets and 43 countries.


  • Q1 2011 earnings: $644.7 million in revenue, but not enough to make Groupon profitable. Q1 2011 losses equaled $102.7 million.


  • Marketing efforts: $179.5 million spent on online marketing in Q1 2011. Groupon may surpass the total spent on online marketing – $245 million – in 2010 after Q2 2011. That works out to be $6 per Groupon offer.


  • Merchant Customers: 56,781 in Q1 2011 compared 212 in Q2 2009.


  • Groupons sold: 28.1 million Groupons in Q1 2011, up from 116,231 in Q2 2009.


  • Employees: 7,107


  • Acquisitions: 13


    Would you buy stock in Groupon? Do you use groupon?

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