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More Americans Aware of Twitter

American’s awareness of Twitter is growing, according to a market research study “Twitter Usage in American: 2010” conducted by Edison Research.

The percentage of Americans who are familiar with Twitter has surged from 5 percent in 2008 to an astounding 87 percent in 2010, rivaling Facebook with 88 percent brand awareness, according to the study’s findings. Approximately 1,753 Americans age 12 and over were surveyed via landline and mobile phone interviews in February.

Only 85 percent of Americans have access to the Internet, so there are more people who are aware of Twitter than could actually use the mini-blogging service. Awareness of Twitter is likely due to traditional media saturation with many mainstream television, radio and print media outlets.

Those Americans who use twitter account for 7 percent, or 17 million people, of the population, while more than 44 percent of Americans have Facebook accounts.


Other interesting Twitter facts according to the report:

The majority of Twitter users are called “Lurkers.” A lurker follows and reads updates without contributing any content or updates of their own.


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More Twitter users update their social networking profiles and access Twitter using mobile devices, such as iPhones and smartphones. One in Five regular Twitter users update the service via mobile phone several times per day, while one in three do so at least daily.

The percentage of Twitter users who are African-American stands at 25 percent, which is double the percentage of African Americans in the U.S. population. White American’s account 51 percent of Twitter users, while Hispanics account for 17 percent.

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