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That Company Live

Author: That Company Live

fake package

Mystery Box Advertising

How would you feel if when you came home you discovered a mysterious package inside your apartment in front of your door? Surprised, frightened, or

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A new way to Twitter

Are you a Twit who’s jonesing to Tweet, but your cellphone is dead and you’re no where near a computer. Have you considered using your

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Twisplaying Tweets

Twitter may get a boost in the physical marketplace if the digital Twisplay has anything to say or, in this case, scroll about it. Twisplays,

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Pizza, Pizza and More Pizza

This 10 minute promotional video promotes Google Search with My Location. Say what your’re looking for, in this case Pizza, and your phone returns directions to nearby pizza

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Analyzing Twitter

Later this year, Twitter plans to launch a free analytics dashbaord tool to help businesses and individuals gain some insight into how other users are

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