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Hulu leads video ad impressions in July

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Hulu seems to be the go-to website for online video advertising, according to a video ad impressions report by comScore.

In July, Hulu generated 783 million video ad impressions, or the number of times an advertisement is displayed. That’s more than 3 times the 219 million ads Google sites, which includes YouTube, displayed during the month of July. hulu_logo_computer

More than 178 million U.S. Internet users watched online video content during July, which amounted to an average of 14.7 hours per viewer, according to ComScore. There were 5.2 billion viewing sessions in July, which accounted for 882 minutes of viewing time per user.

Google sites ranked number one as the top online content property with 143.2 million unique visitors, while Hulu ranked number 10 below Disney Online with 28.4 million unique visitors.

However,Hulu reached a larger portion – 26.8 percent – of the U.S. population with online advertising, according to ComScore. Google sites only managed to reach 4.6 percent of the U.S population.

This vast difference, while hard to believe, is quite easy to explain. YouTube does not play video ads on all of its videos. Videos from regular users do not have ads, while brand channels often do have ads. Hulu, however, runs several ads with each of its videos, which are often short clips or full episodes of sitcoms and television series, such as Family Guy and Glee.


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YouTube relies heavily on Banner ads and AdSense for its advertising as well as ad bars that pop up in videos. YouTube is trying to acquire more TV Shows and Movies to compete with Hulu, according a Mashable report.

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