Invalid Clicks?

invalid clicks

An Invalid click refers to clicks on AdWords ads that Google suspects are not the result of genuine customer interest. Invalid clicks can be performed by automated tools, but they can also be the result of accidental clicks – for instance, if someone were to double-click your ad. Google does not charge you for invalid clicks because they think they have little or no value.

Types of clicks that Google may consider invalid:

  • Manual clicks intended to increase someone’s advertising costs

  • Manual clicks intended to increase profits for website owners hosting your ads

  • Clicks and impressions by automated tools, robots, or other deceptive software

  • Impressions intended to artificially lower an advertiser’s clickthrough rate (CTR)

You can see the number of invalid clicks your ads have received by adding the Invalid clicks and Invalid click rate columns when viewing your campaign statistics. You are not charged for these clicks, so they don’t affect your account statistics.

Google uses a variety of different signals including click and impression information to identify sources of invalid activity. Because of the large number of data points looked at, an investigation into your account may take several business days to complete. If you request an investigation with Google, please share as much information as you have on the traffic that concerns you.

Written By: Cheri Graziani

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