New Jersey students protest state cuts

More than 17,000 New Jersey high school students skipped class Tuesday when they staged a statewide walkout to protest statewide budget cuts, according to the Hartford Courant.

Students banded together after organizing on the social networking website Facebook. Over 17,000 students signed up for the event page “Protest NJ Education Cuts-State Wide School Walk Out.”

The event page was launched by an 18-year-old college student and former Bergen County, NJ high school student after Gov. Chris Christie announced he was cutting the state’s education budget by $820 million, according the Harford Courant report.

While Facebook was the hub of communication for the walkout, other forms of social networking, such as Twitter and Myspace also contributed to getting the word out about the event.

This isn’t the first Facebook-spawned political movement, according to Mashable. Minnesota’s governor conducted his town hall meetings via Facebook recently.

If you needed any more proof of the power of social networking and how the younger generation is embracing the technology, look no further than New Jersey’s high school students.

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