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Yahoo's Ad Blitz


Yahoo launched an $85 million advertising campaign offensive Thursday to steal market share away from Google. Their slogan for the campaign is “Your favorite stuff all in one place. Make Yahoo your home page.” yahoo

Yahoo was once the number once search engine before Google came along and changed the game. The ad criticizes Google’s simplistic homepage with a showing a site that looks like Google and claiming “nothing looks back at you. You come to this place to leave.”

“At Yahoo, we have a different idea. Your homepage isn’t blank, or anonymous; It doesn’t hustle you out the door. It’s a place that gets to know you, a place that finds things for you, a place that surprises you, a place you wanna stay,” continues the ad.

Yahoo is billing itself as the classic web portal of old where users read up-to-date news,build links to favorite sites and search in one place. Yahoo also plans to add access to social media websites, such as Facebook. What Yahoo doesn’t want consumers to know – they probably already know – is that Google offers a similar web application called iGoogle.

iGoogle is a customizable web portal users can sign up for and build their news feeds, apps, links, search and connect with social media and other programs from scratch. Who knows if Yahoo’s attempt to siphon market share away from Google will work. Yahoo has managed, thus far, to be, somewhat, relevant after Google came on to the scene in the late 1990s and began chipping away at the popularity of search engines like Yahoo and lycos.

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