Customer Match, Google’s Newest Feature For Adwords

Google will soon be releasing an often-demanded and much awaited product feature in AdWords, their ad management product. This new feature will enable AdWords to upload and use advertiser email lists to target specific audiences based on what the customer prefers and how the advertiser is advertising through Google.

Customer Match will allow advertisers to use AdWords to create and place bids on ads specifically tailored to their market’s customer segments in Google’s search engine, YouTube Trueview ads, and Gmail ads, too.

Through API processes as well as manually, advertisers will be able to upload customer email lists they have into Customer Match. These emails will be matched up with Google sign-in emails and then made anonymous.

This new ability to create ad copy based on advertiser data on their customers, and to also place bids on their ads, could be much more influential and potent than doing so based on visitor behavior on an advertiser’s website/webpage. George Michie, Merkle RKG’s Chief Marketing Scientist Search Engine Land this spring and told them that “Browser behavioral targeting is a pretty crude tool – better than nothing, certainly – but pretty crude. The ability to fold in real customer insight, understanding all the brands interactions with a person online and offline going as back in history as you want is a gigantic leap forward. Understanding which customers prefer to buy online or off, which physical location they prefer allows for a level of personalization we just haven’t had in the walled-garden of Google.”

Google announced the release of the new feature during Advertising Week in New York City in a presentation near the end of September.

— Riley Graham, Marketing Asssistant


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