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Why Brick & Mortar Stores Need SEO

Why Physical Stores Need SEO | Image of Computer Screen with Bricks Displayed

Many believe search engine optimization (SEO) is only useful for e-commerce stores. This couldn’t be further from the truth. SEO can help physical stores capture and convert more customers online like never before.

You Need SEO to Drive Foot Traffic

One of the biggest advantages of having an online presence is that you can drive more customers to your store through search engine optimization.

In fact, according to a study by Google, 43% of shoppers said they prefer shopping online because it gave them access to “more product selections than they could find in-store”. However, few realize the benefit and need for white label Local SEO services in a brick & mortar store. Yet, there is a strong requirement for SEO to rank these stores in the digital market. So, exactly what kind of search engine optimization strategy works for brick & mortar stores and how do you implement them?

Understand the Difference Between Physical and Digital

Compare Digital and Physical Stores | Woman Holding Fake and Real PlantFirst, you need to understand what is the difference between brick & mortar stores and online stores. An online store is typically a website where the physical store has a link to their website which, in turn, directs people to their online store. Online stores are great for any business that operates on the internet. They increase visibility and sales even if you do not own a digital presence. Yet, if you own a physical store then keeping your offline products visible comes with its own set of challenges. For example, how do you rank against other local businesses? After all, they are really like any other brick & mortar store. If you have a physical store, then your potential customers are human beings who need to discover your business physically rather than surfing around.

Keywords are Crucial for SEO

Like a physical store, you need to get found by as many potential customers as possible. This is where the SEO strategies come in. Keywords in your website and blog content make it easy for search engines to return your page after someone’s search query. To be even more precise, you need to use keywords that are relevant for your business, and this is vital when doing SEO research on any brick & mortar store. This means that if you own an online clothing store, then keywords like clothes or dresses would be highly relevant. On the other hand, if you own a restaurant, then the keyword would be related to your food or restaurant business. Understanding your customer’s preferences is not only crucial to attracting them but also for increasing their loyalty.

Optimize Your Website Locally

The next thing you need to do when optimizing your bricks & mortar store is adding the local information. What this means is creating a Google My Business listing for your local store and even setting up a Facebook profile when you have a physical presence in the local community. It might seem like a lot of work but in the end, it will help you get more customers. These things show you are a serious business that is ready to go the extra mile for the customer.

Take Advantage of Customer Reviews and Comments

Having positive comments or customer reviews on your blog helps. In fact, if you have numerous positive reviews on your blog, it makes your SEO strategies so much easier. What you need to do is create an area on your website devoted specifically to customer reviews or use the Google Review system, so that people can see what others think about your business. Positive reviews will not only help you attract new customers but also encourage them to share your review with their social circles. It is, without a doubt, a powerful SEO strategy for brick & mortar stores. Put Customer Reviews In The Spotlight

[bctt tweet=”Understanding your customer’s preferences is not only crucial to attracting them but also for increasing their loyalty.” username=”ThatCompanycom”]

Focus On Mobile

Those Who Need SEO Should Focus on Mobile | Girl Looking Through Telescope at Mobile PhoneAccording to the Web Marketing Association, there have been more mobile searches than desktop since 2018, and that doesn’t look like it will ever change. Most bricks & mortar store owners have websites that are optimized for the desktop. It makes sense that most of the website content is accommodated for a standard monitor. Google, however, has moved towards making mobile a priority and it is easy to see why. It is estimated that more than 50% of all online searches are done on a mobile device. This only means that your website needs to be responsive for you to rank higher in the search results. Search engines use specific metrics and keywords to find and rank websites.

Another way of encouraging positive word of mouth is to create an incentive for customers to write reviews. This way you will encourage them to leave their comments in the form of a review and perhaps even share them with their friends and family. You can do this by offering some kind of discount as an incentive or even rewarding customers who have left reviews. It works for both businesses that conduct online and offline transactions and engaging with your customers ensures better engagement and loyalty from your customer’s part.

Find Someone Offering SEO Services to Do the Work for You

If you do not have the time to do this SEO research, then perhaps it is time to hire someone to do it for you. This is a viable option especially if you are a busy business owner. If you have your SEO executed correctly then you will get more customers in less time. The ultimate goal when choosing an SEO agency is to get people on your site from all walks of life who can become loyal and lifelong clients for your business.

Which Full-Service Digital Marketing Agency to Choose?

White Label SEO Services | Image of That Company AdvertisementThat Company is a full-service white label digital marketing agency with a proven track record to generate ROI. We are a team of digital marketing specialists, passionate about delivering real business results for companies just like yours. Our primary focus is the development & implementation of effective strategies that boost your online visibility, increase brand awareness and drive quality traffic to your website.

Yes, Your Physical Store DOES Need Search Engine Optimization

As you can see, there are a lot of things that you can do to make your brick & mortar store appear on the first page of Google’s search results. All of these strategies are free and easy to implement. You can start utilizing any of them immediately. Just remember that SEO will take months or even years before results start showing but remember, it is completely worth it in the end.

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